Welcome to Baku Tour proqram 3N\4 Days

DAY1 Welcome to the city of lights Baku (J2110 \17:10)
Transfer Airport to Hotel
Hotel accommodation ,
19:30 leave the luggage at the hotel go for a dinner in National and Europe cuizine restaurant (KURA Restaaurant)
return hotel
Over night in Hotel

DAY2 Bus excursion – city tour
08:00 Breakfast in Hotel
09:30 Start old city Tour

Palace of the Shirvanshahs is the biggest monument of the Shirvan-Absheron branch of the Azerbaijan architecture,
situated in the Inner City of Baku. The complex contains the main building of the palace, Divanhane, the burialvaults,
the shah’s mosque with a minaret, Seyid Yahya Bakuvi’s mausoleum, a portal in the east – Murad’s gate, a reservoir
and the remnants of the bath-house

Maiden Tower
The Maiden Tower also known locally as Giz Galasi, located in the Old City, Baku, in Azerbaijan, was built in the
12th century as part of the walled city. Together with the Shirvanshahs’ Palace, dated to the 15th century, it forms an
ensemble of historic monuments inscribed in 2001 under the UNESCO World Heritage List of Historical Monuments
as cultural property, Category III.
Juma Mosque
Located in the historic Icheri Sheher, the mosque has been rebuilt several times. The present Friday Mosque was built
in 1899 under the financing of Baku merchant Haji Shikhlali Dadashov. There are traces of a Zoroastrian temple at the
site. A minaret, constructed in 1437, adjoins Friday Mosque.
Double Gates, Bazar Square, Caravan Saray and etc.
Nizami street
The street’s history could be traced back to Baku’s town-planning project of 1864. The street runs through the city’s
downtown from west to east. It begins from Abdulla Shaig Street, in the mountainous part of the city and ends at
railroad bed on Sabit Orujov Street, near a monument to Shah Ismail Khatai in “Black City”.
The traffic-free segment, which begins at the Fountains Square and ends at the Rashid Behbudov Street, is commonly
known as Torgovaya

12:30 Lunch at a national restaurant, guests will be able to try ancient national dishes of the Caucasus, the
eastern cuisine of Azerbaijan (Fisincan Restaurant in Nizami street)

Baku City Tour (Auto/Walking)

First Oil Well
Drive to the world’s first oil well, which gave impetus to the industrial production of oil and natural gas throughout the
Aquatic Palace
Drive past the Baku Water Sports Palace, a huge sports facility built by order of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham
Aliyev for the first European Games in Baku.
Azerbaijan Carpet Museum (passing through)
Drive past a unique carpet-shaped structure that houses a rich collection (more than 14,000 exhibits) of the material
culture of Azerbaijan and, above all, carpets, the most valuable heritage of the Azerbaijani people.
Seaside Park (Baku Boulevard)
Drive past one of the main attractions of Baku, a favorite place for recreation for Baku residents and visitors. In 2009,
the park celebrated its 100th anniversary.
“Government House”
Drive past the amazingly beautiful and majestic “Government House” building, which fits perfectly into the overall
architecture of the city.
White City
Drive past the former oil-industrial zone “Black City”, now rightly renamed “White City”. The reason for this was the
implementation of the grandiose project “Baku White City”, during which all the old industrial enterprises were
removed, in the place of which modern residential areas are growing.
Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center (exterior view)
Stop near the creation of the famous architect Zaha Hadid, which is among the most expressive world architectural
structures of the 21st century. The building is distinguished by incredibly smooth contours and the absence of corners.

The largest football stadium in Baku
The Baku Olympic Stadium (Azerbaijani: Bakı Olimpiya Stadionu) is a multi-sport stadium in Baku. Construction of
the stadium began on 6 June 2011 on the eastern shore of Lake Boyuk Shor. The stadium was opened on 6 March
The stadium, with a total capacity of 68,000[1] seats, meets the highest international standards for stadiums approved
Flame Towers
“Flame Towers” or “Flame Towers” is a symbol of modern Baku, representing three giant buildings, shaped like
tongues of fire.
Mountain Park
A stop at the highest point of the city with a unique view of the sea bay and the city of Baku.
Neftchilar Avenue
The main “artery” of Baku will delight us with many famous buildings that we will see along the way: the Maiden
Tower, the Carpet Museum, the Baku Venice, the Puppet Theater, the Baku Port, the seaside Boulevard and much
19:00 Gala Dinner in Lido Restaurant (Show Program)
This is an amazing place, here guests will enjoy the view of the city and delicious dishes.

After dinner return to the hotel, rest at the hotel
DAY 3\ Tour To Gobustan Mud volcanoes and Fire Tample Ateshgah
07:00 Breakfast in Hotel
08:30 Excursion to mud volcanoes
Azerbaijan ranks first in the world in terms of the number of mud volcanoes. There are about 350 of the 800 mud
volcanoes in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Most of them are concentrated in the Gobustan region.
Active mud volcanoes of the Dashgil group
To the east of the Gobustan Museum there is a group of active volcanoes called Dashgil. You can visit and climb up to
the crater of the mud volcanoes and watch the bubbling of liquid clay. A beautiful landscape, as if you were on the
planet Mars (scientists have drawn an analogy and the surface in the Gobustan region is very similar to the surface of
the planet Mars) and the constant bubbling of the mud creates the feeling of an unearthly surface.

Excursion to the museum (closed exhibition) and the reserve (open part) in Gobustan
Petroglyph Museum (Open-air Museum)
Petroglyph Museum – this is what Gobustan is called – a mountainous place in the south-east of the Greater Caucasus
Range, located 65 km from Baku. It was here that ancient sites of primitive people were found, who left behind many
rock paintings – petroglyphs. These primitive monuments of art reflect the culture, economy, worldview, customs and
traditions of ancient people. Once the sea splashed right at the foot of these mountains, but then retreated, leaving
characteristic relief traces on the polished boiling rocks. After unusual drawings on the rocks were accidentally
discovered in the 30s of the 20th century, more than 6 thousand of them have already been “discovered” (on 1000
rocks). Ancient primitive dwellings – caves and sites, more than 100 thousand items of material culture were also
found. Gobustan petroglyphs belong to different eras. They were made in the period from the 10th to the 18th
millennium BC

12:30 Upon returning from the tour there will be lunch in a fish restaurant on the shore of the Caspian Sea
(DERYA Fish house Restaurant)

Then after lunch, guests will begin a new tour:
Tour to the temple of fire worshipers and the burning mountain
These places are outside the city of Baku, distance 20-30 km\ tour time 2 – 3 hours

Tour to the temple of fire worshipers and the burning mountain

  1. Ateshgah Fire temple
  2. Burning Mountain
    The temple of fire worshippers Ateshgah, located on the Absheron peninsula on the outskirts of Surakhani village, 30
    km from the centre of Baku, was revered in different times by Zoroastrians, Hindus and Sikhs. The current
    constructions of the temple date back to the XVII century. As a result of excavations, far more ancient artifacts were
    discovered here. 30 km from Baku.
    In a place known as Yanardagh located in the village of Mahammadli. The natural gas that seeps onto the surface
    gives this mountain (whose name translates as ‘burning mountain’) its famous ‘burning’ look. Today Yanardagh
    reserve is a favourite destination for tourists visiting the country. The mountain appears to be covered in tongues of
    flame from its foot to its peak, resembling red tulips.
    Wine tasting SAVALAN , MEYSERI, The tasting will include 5 types of local wines, a cheese and meat plate, olives,
    and bread.
    19:30 Dinner Novbahar Resturant and Tasting Vine
    Return to the Hotel
    DAY 4
    Breakfast in Hotel
    03:50 Transfer to Airport

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