Tour Baku-Gabala-Sheki 5 nights


Day 1
 transfer from the airport to the hotel
 lunch
 dinner
 night walk in Baku
Excursion – Baku nights
Here you’ll visit amazing places like Seaside National Park, Highland Park and Old
town city locals call it (the city) the inner city, another frequently visited place is
Nizami Street, also called the shopping street.

Highland Park – is one of the most famous and interesting sights of Baku. The
green zone is located above Baku Bay. The park in its original form, which has
been preserved today, with spacious stairs, shady alleys and cosy terraces.

Day 2
 Breakfast
 Excursion ancient fire worshipers.
 Lunch
 Bus to the city
 At the end of the tour – free time
 Baku city shopping center
 Overnight in Baku
Excursion – ancient fire worshipers
The excursion route passes through the village of Surakhani, where the Temple of Fireworshipers is located, as well as castles in Nardaran, Shagan, Ramanakh, Mardakan, and others.
Suharan Temple of Firemen – Ateshgyah – a cult architectural complex of ancient civilizations of
Sikhs, Hindus, Zoroastrians, built on the site of inflamed exits from the earth’s crust of natural
gases. Today’s open-air museum, Ateshgyah, originated in the 17th-18th centuries as a fire
temple. More than a decade ago, he was given the status of a historical and architectural

Yanar Dagh (‘burning mountain’) is a natural gas fire which blazes continuously on a hillside on
the Absheron Peninsula on the Caspian Sea near Baku. Flames jet into the air 3 metres (9.8 ft)
from a thin, porous sandstone layer. Administratively, Yanar Dagh belongs to Absheron District
of Azerbaijan.

And our walk continues -Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum
The National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan, which constitutes the material and spiritual
heritage of the people of Azerbaijan, is the largest carpet collection in terms of the value and
importance of the rare carpets in the world’s treasure, and the first, prestigious, specialized
museum on carpet art.
The museum includes 7 collections: “Pile carpets”, “Pileless carpets”, “Carpet products”, “Art
metal”, “Ceramics, glass, wood, paper”, “Fabric, clothing, embroidery” and “Jewelry”.

Old City- or Inner City is the historical core of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The Old City is the
most ancient part of Baku, which is surrounded by walls. In 2007, the Old City had a population
of about 3000 people. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the
Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Heydar Aliyev Center is a research and international dialogue center built in Baku, the
capital of Azerbaijan, on Heydar Aliyev Avenue. The color of the center’s logo – silver color
means overcoming all obstacles and stepping towards the goal. Silver is a symbol of leadership,
struggle, dynamism, wisdom, transparency, development and innovatio

In December 2000, the Old City of Baku became the first place in Azerbaijan to be classified as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 3

 Breakfast
 Departure from the hotel to Gabala.
 Lunch
 Return to the hotel from the tour
 Departure from Gabala to Baku, dinner
The city is located on the bank of the river Demiraparancha. Gabala region is a unique and
beautiful region of the country, from where it opens a view of the highest peak of Azerbaijan –
Mount Bazarduzi (height 4466 m). The Gabala region with its rivers, chestnut and nut groves,
mineral springs is an ideal place for rest.
Nevertheless, its main attraction is the ancient city of Kabalaka (Chukhur Gabala), whose ruins
have been preserved 15 km from the modern city. Kabalaka was mentioned in written sources
of the 1st c. And for 600 years was the capital of the state of Caucasian Albania. In addition,
hundreds of historical monuments have been preserved here, including the Albanian Temple (IVVII centuries), the ancient defensive tower (IX-XI centuries), the Ustadzhan Tower (IX-XIV
centuries), many mausoleums and other historical sights .
Places (venues) to visit:
-Nohurgol Lake
-Seven Beauty Waterfalls
Not far from Gabala on the mountain of Yaloila were found stone, iron, bronze and gold objects.
In a word, if you are fond of antiquity, there is something to see.

Day 4
 Departure from Baku go to Sheki
 Lunch “Haci Chelebi” restaurant
 Excursions in Sheki
 Karavansaray
 Village “Kish”
 Overnight in the hotel Sheki
The palace of the Sheki khans in Shaki, Azerbaijan was the summer residence of the Sheki khans.
It was built in 1797 by Muhammad Husayn Khan Mushtaq. The palace was intended as a
residence for the khans who controlled Shaki as viceroys of the ruling Zand and then Qajar
Persian dynasty from about 1750 until the annexation of these territories to the Russian Empire
by the Treaty of Gulustan in 1813 after the Russo-Persian War.

In 1998, Gulnara Mehmandarova, President of the Azerbaijan Committee of ICOMOS –
International Council on Monuments and Sites, inscribed Shaki-Khan Palace on the UNESCO
World Heritage List.
Kish , one of the oldest of Azerbaijani villages, well known for the unique ancient Albanian
temple. This antique temple – mother of Alban churches. It has a special status among Christian
Albanian monuments. It valuable not only as an architectural monument but also because of its
outstanding historical significance.
The official date of its birth is the 1st century AD when the territory of Azerbaijan included into
Caucasian part of Albania . Historians assume that the temple founded by apostle Elise i who
brought Christianity to Albania :
“Elise having received the Orient as his lot went from Jerusalem to Persia and started to preach
with his three pupils; there he prosecuted so he arrived in Kish where he founded a church and
made a bloodless sacrifice”
Day 5
 Breakfast
 Excursions in Baku
 Old City tour
 Lunch
 Maiden Tower
 Shirvanshah’s Palace
 Djuma Mosque
 Heydar Aliyev Center Museum
 Dinner, Free Time
Excursions in Baku

Heydar Aliyev Center
The center of Heydar Aliyev is a cultural center built on Heydar Aliyev Avenue in Baku, the
capital of Azerbaijan. Center is a complex structure, which includes an auditorium (congress
center), a museum, exhibition halls and administrative offices. It is named after the third
president of Azerbaijan Republic – Heydar Aliyev.

The project of the center was developed in 2007 by the architect Zaha Hadid. The cultural
center of Heydar Aliyev is considered as one of the symbols of modern Baku. An internationally
recognized architectural work, the building of the Heydar Aliyev Center has become a signature
landmark of modern Baku due to its innovative and cutting-edge design. Extending on eight
floor levels, the center accommodates a 1,000-seat auditorium, temporary exhibition spaces, a
conference center, workshops, and a museum
Shirvanshah’s Palace
Shirvanshah’s Palace is the largest monument of the Shirvan-Absheron branch of the Azerbaijan
architecture, situated in the Inner City of Baku. The complex contains the main building of the palace,
Divanhane, the burialvaults, the shah’s mosque with a minaret, Seyid Yahya Bakuvi’s mausoleum, a
portal in the east – Murad’s gate, a reservoir and the remnants of the bath-house.

Maiden Tower
The Maiden Tower also known locally as “Giz Galasi”, located in the Old City, Baku, in
Azerbaijan, was built in the 12th century as part of the walled city. Together with the
Shirvanshah’s Palace, dated to the 15th century, it forms an ensemble of historic monuments
inscribed in 2001 under the UNESCO World Heritage List of Historical Monuments as cultural
property, Category III.
According to recent archaeological excavations, carried out in 1962–63 on the ground floor of
the tunnel, the tower was built on a large rock sloping toward the sea, and the buttress
structure projecting out from the main tower provided stability to the tower. Further
excavations have also revealed wooden girders, each 14 metres (46 ft) high, at the foundation
of the tower.
Juma Mosque
Located in the historic Icheri Sheher, the mosque has been rebuilt several times. The present
Friday Mosque was built in 1899 under the financing of Baku merchant Haji Shikhlali Dadashov.
There are traces of a Zoroastrian temple at the site. A minaret, constructed in 1437, adjoins Friday
Mosque. Double Gates, Bazar Square, Caravan Saray and etc.
Day 6
 Transfer from the hotel to the airport

The price includes:
Transportation in accordance with the program
Head of the guide
One bottle of water per person per day

Not included:
Gala Dinner (Alcoholic beverages)
All suppers
Entrance fees in museums
The price does not include:
Air tickets
Alcoholic beverages
Price: 385 USD (dollar exchange rate to manat 1.705)

Dear reader of this program, the price is indicated for one person in a double room.
If there are more than 2 guests, please write to us by email or whatsapp:
+994 51 335 00 60
+994 50 824 30 13


Ready to help with any questions